ESG at Financial Cloud

Our dedication to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles is woven into the core of everything we do. Our ESG framework steers us towards driving continuous innovation and delivering strong financial performance, while positively impacting the communities and environments in which we operate.

ESG at Financial Cloud

“Our ESG strategy embodies our dedication to creating positive impact. Sustainability, ethical practices, and transparency are woven into our core values, driving both business excellence and delivering positive outcomes to the communities we serve ”

Kyle MacDonald

CEO and Founder



We are dedicated to integrating environmental sustainability into our daily business practices, actively working to minimise our carbon footprint. To ensure continuous improvement we partner with Greenly, a leading expert in environmental impact assessment and carbon offsetting.

Learn more about our partnership here.


Social Impact

We are a team of people driven by a deep passion for building great technology that creates positive outcomes. We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of socially responsible corporate practices, both within our organisation and throughout our supply chain.

Social Impact

Corporate Governance

Transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior is embedded in our company culture. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity and prioritise risk management to build trust amongst all stakeholders. As an accredited FSQS registered company we meet the highest industry standards in terms of quality, security, and compliance.

A platform built for financial services

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